The Wilderness Program
A 40 day program of self-healing and transformation. Shift your perception from anxiety, fear, worry and lack to joy, love, compassion and freedom. Embark on a journey inward, into the wilderness of your mind.
Saturday, January 1, 2023 - Wednesday, February 9, 2023
Early Bird Pricing Until December 2nd - $100
Regular Pricing $120
First 10 people to sign up receive a free gift!
This program is designed for lasting transformation and requires only one thing: a readiness for radical change. During the 40 days, you will receive an email and audio recording from Mindy with a lesson, instructions and homework for the day. You will begin a meditation practice that can grow into a life discipline. If you follow the program without exception, your life will change.
Yoga teachings tell us that life comes “from us” and the way we look at things, not “at us” or from the outside. Over 20 years of spiritual study, Mindy had accumulated knowledge from teachers and books, classes and workshops, but consistent application of this knowledge to her life and relationships required a plan.
A Course in Miracles showed her how to apply the spiritual teachings to daily life. She designed the 40 day Wilderness Program as a condensed but equally transformative journey.
Mindy offers The Wilderness Program on an annual basis, at minimum. Stay close to her e-newsletters, social media platforms and website for dates of the next program.
Payments may be made via PayPal to mindyfrenkel@aol.com,
code: WildernessProgram2023

The Sacred Cure
A 14-day inner journey to heal the body, mind and spirit.
Sunday, November 7- Saturday, November 20
The Sacred Cure is a new program created in collaboration with nutritionist and naturopathic doctor Dr. Millie Lytle. This 14-day inner journey was designed to cleanse the body and soul -- to heal the physical, mental and spiritual self -- through what you eat (and don't eat), journaling, and meditation.
This program is not for the faint of heart. It is for warriors, for those who want authentic and genuine relationships, for those who wish to tread lighter in the world and who want to live in a wholesome and loving way with everything and everyone.
Heal from the inside out through a combination of nutritional work (both cleansing + fasting) and spiritual work (self-exploration, journaling and meditation and asana practice.) By focusing on a different chakra every two days, you will heal the physical organs and energetic, emotional relationships associated with each chakra.
Community is a key aspect of most physical and spiritual retreats. Meet via zoom every other day to support one another in this inner journey.
This program was inspired by Mindy’s spiritual guides and teachers. It will be transformative. Are you ready?
Payments may be made via PayPal to mindyfrenkel@aol.com, code: thesacredcure
The Sacred Path
30 hour advanced TT with Mindy Frenkel
Learn how to teach a yoga class that not only focuses on the physical asana, but incorporates a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy.
Mindy will focus on the 14 principles of a Jivamukti yoga class and it’s proper sequencing, how to thread the esoteric teachings into your classes using your own life experiences and your knowledge of key principles to leave your students feeling transformed.
We will Study from Patanjali Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita- chanting and understanding the sutras with an emphasis on relating these sutras into our lives to effectively teach inspiring dharma.
You will learn how to give skillful and effective assists while teaching class.
Class meets
Sunday’s at studio
1:30-5:30 pm
Tuesday evenings
At Mindy’s in Long Beach or zoom
6-8 pm
If you’ve taken Mindy’s
Art of Adjustments workshop then you can sign up for The Sacred Path for $600
Joining us on this journey,
Dr. Millie Lytle
Dr. Millie Lytle is a licensed naturopathic doctor, epidemiologist and nutrition specialist dedicated to preventing and reversing the epidemic of chronic disease. She earned her 4-year post grad ND from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and a Master's in Public Health (MPH) in Hamburg, Germany. She has a 25 year background in nutrition and supplementation on the clinical, research and regulatory sides. Dr. Millie has been the Head of Coaching at Mymee, Inc since 2019, mentoring the coaching program, and managing the real world evidence as to the myriad ways health coaching and lifestyle interventions can improve symptoms and quality of life for those suffering from autoimmune disease. She has a passion for nutrition, cooking and being on the beach.

Awaken to Love
It is with great joy that I launch my new coaching course
Awaken to love.
At first sight you make think of this as a relationship course- how to find your life partner, “ the One”.
But looking more deeply, when you desire a relationship with another, you open yourself to love in all of its forms.
The most important love is to love oneself.
Every relationship mirrors back to us how we feel about ourselves.
This course is about learning more deeply about ourselves, our inner life and healing the wounded parts of ourself. Then if we desire, what will follow will be a relationship with a life partner.
In an effort to provide my undivided attention, I have limited this course to 6 people.
This course runs for 7 weeks and includes 6 zoom calls, 4 thirty minute private coaching sessions and
One feng sui consultation.
Investment $299 Per Person